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User manual


  1. Installation conditions
  2. Installation mode
  3. Configuring the application
  4. Usage mode
  5. Technical specifications

1. Installation conditions

           The Bancomatic desktop application is built into the Visual Studio 2017 development environment for which the operating conditions are: 

Operating system :

                                Windows 10 versiunea 1507 sau mai nouă: Home, Professional, Education și                                 Enterprise (LTSC si S nu sunt suportate)

                                Windows Server 2016: Standard și Datacenter

                                Windows 8.1 (cu Update 2919355): Core, Professional și Enterprise

                                Windows Server 2012 R2 (cu Update 2919355): Essentials, Standard,                                  Datacenter

                                Windows 7 SP1 (cu ultimul Windows Updates): Home Premium, Professional,                                 Enterprise, Ultimate

Hardware   :

                    Procesor: 1.8 GHz sau mai rapid. Dual-core sau mai bun recomandat 
                    RAM: 2 GB; 4 GB recomandat
                    Hard disk: 100 MB spațiu liber.
                    Placă video care suportă minim rezoluția720p (1280 by 720); Bancomatic lucrează bine                     la rezoluția WXGA (1366 pe 768) sau mai mare.

Additional requirements :                
                            Administrator rights are required for Bancomatic installation

                            .NET Framework 4.6.1 

2. Installation mode

        To download the installation kit, visit access the option Download or access the option Prricing select one of the pricing plans and click Try now or Buy now.

            Regardless of the selected tariff plan, you benefit from a free test month with all the facilities.

            The choice of the tariff plan will be made at the end of the trial period by selecting the Tools / Tariff Plans option from the Bancomatic desktop application and filling in the billing data form.


User registration Bancomatic

After selecting the Try Now or Buy Now button you will be redirected to the registration page where you need to fill out your email address and password to log in to the Bancomatic desktop application.
It is mandatory to read the Privacy Policy Licensing Agreement and the Terms of Use. After clicking on the Registration button, you will be redirected to a page that will confirm the user's registration


Successful registration

Confirmation of the registration will notify you that you will receive an email using your email address to confirm that you are the owner of this address.


Confirmation email

When you receive the confirmation email, you must click the Confirm button and you will be redirected to the web page from which you can download the installation kit



When confirming your email address you will have access to the Download button which will allow you to download the Bancomatic installation kit.
If you receive confirmation messages for downloading and using the operating system, you must accept the download and use of the installation kit in the respective windows. After downloading, you must run the file so that the Bancomatic application is started.


Accepting the licensing agreement

To be able to use the Bancomatic desktop application, you must read, understand and agree to the Licensing Agreement by selecting the Accept License option and clicking the Continue button


Create shortcut and accept Bancomatic run at Windows startup

In order to have easy access to the Bancomatic application, we recommend that you leave Creez shortcut on the Desktop checked, and for easy use of the application, we recommend that you select the Run Bancomatic option when Windows starts and click the Continue button


Ready to install

After selecting the installation options, you have to click on the Install button


Complete the Bancomatic desktop application installation

After the installation is complete, this window will appear, where you can leave Bancomatic Launcher ticked so that the Bancomatic desktop application starts immediately and press the Finalize button

3. Configuring the application

To use the application, the first logon will automatically open the configuration windows and then be accessed from the Tools / General Settings menu



Logging into the application is done by filling in the email address and password used for registration on, you can check the e-mail and password so you will not have to enter the credentials at each login and press the Login button   


First login

The first logs will automatically show the General Settings, Bank Accounts and Chrome Browser window that Bancomatic uses to automate actions.


General Settings

In the Host, Port, User, and Password fields of the Email Server, it is necessary to fill in the information of your email server if you want to use the Automatic Email Transmission option to download the latest transactions.
By default, the information of a demo account is GMail, we recommend using your own email server.
In the Print PDF box you can choose between printing your account statements using Acrobat Reader that will open a window on each listing and will automatically close when finished printing and printing using PDFToPrinter that prints your account statements without opens any windows, but has the disadvantage that some types of printers are not working properly.
By default, printing is done with Acrobat Reader.
Select Account File Folder, by default, the application will store account data in the Bancomatic folder in My Documents, but can be modified by clicking on the Folder button.
If the API Folder is selected, if the API is turned on, the application will monitor the selected folder here for communication with the accounting application. The default API is set in Bancomatic in My Documents but can be changed by selecting the appropriate button
Close the general settings window by clicking the X button at the top right. 


Bank accounts

In the Bank accounts window will be added the bank accounts to be used and automated work mode settings will be made.
To add a new account to the application, you must fill in the lower left New Account Holder, New Account Alias, New Account, and click the Add button. The application will check the correctness of the bank account you entered and will save the information in the database.
After the addition, you need to fill in the following information Type of currency, Online type (it is the type of online banking made available by the bank, eg Click 24 Banking from BCR).
You can then complete the online customer code provided by the bank, if applicable for the online banking type, Online user provided by the bank, if applicable for the online banking type, Online password provided by to the bank, if applicable for that type of online banking, they will be stored encrypted, if they are not filled in will be required when connecting to online banking.


In the Account Folders tab, there is an Extracted Folder (is the folder where the downloaded files will be saved), Transaction Folder (is the folder where the downloaded download files will be saved), which are mandatory information. Archive folder, here will be the folder where the account statements and transactions from previous months will be archived when the Tools / File Archiving option is accessed.
Double-clicking on these folders opens the folders. The Transaction API URL field is completed with the web service address if you have it, for Bancomatic's automatic upload of the latest transactions with the specifications you find in the Technical Specifications section


Set up automatic mode

Automatic mode can be configured by:
Check field Maintains connection to Online Banking, to avoid excessive use of online client codes, online banking passwords and pin codes generated with token or phone application can keep connected the online banking program, keeping connected has the effect of increasing the speed of Downloading account statements and transactions, we no longer need a connection.
In the AUTOMATIZARE EXTRASE DE CONT section you can configure the following:
Check field The previous day after hours ..., allows you to set the download of the account statement from the previous day to a specific hour of the day.
Check field Previous week after hours ..., allows you to set the download of your account statement from the previous day to a specific time of day.
The Month before month after hour ... allows you to set the download of your account statement from the previous month to a specific hour of the day.
Check field Print PDF statement after download, has the effect of automatically printing the statement at the time of download.
In the AUTOMATIZARE ULTIMELE TRANZACTII section you can configure the following:
Check field Requests the last transactions at each .. x .. minutes to set the download of the last transactions every x minutes selected under the option. At the first download, Bancomatic will download the transactions for the past five days, then downloading only new transactions.
The Transmit Email with the latest transaction allows the automatic transmission of an email with the latest download transactions if an email address has been filled in and an email server has been configured in the General Settings window.
You can also fill out Email if you want to use the Email Transmit with the Last Transactions option and set up an email server in the General Settings window (multiple email addresses separated by the ; character may be filled in, CAREFUL!!! do not use spaces to separate email addresses).).


File formats

You can also configure the file formats for downloading the latest transactions and account statements in the Bank Accounts window in the File Formats tab on your account. For each bank it is possible to select the format provided by the online banking type, in addition Bancomatic can create a CSV file format and HTML with the same structure for all banks and can create the MT940 format even if it is not provision of the online banking program. In order to be able to send the latest e-mail transactions, it is mandatory to check the HTML format.

4. Usage mode

Bancomatic can be used in three working modes: Automatic Working Mode, User Control Mode, and ERP Commanded Mode, as described below.


Automated mode

The automated mode involves configuring the robot on each account for the automated mode in the Bank Accounts tab Account Configuration tab on the account as described on page 3. Configuring the application, then the program works alone to perform the repetitive tasks of the user for downloading the statements and bank transactions with minimal user intervention.
Turning on / off automatic mode can be done by selecting the Program / Automation programmed Start / Stop option.
There is also a status indicator for the service in the Bank Accounts window at the top right to indicate whether the service is on or off.


User commanded mode

Bancomatic provides the user with a menu of options in the Bank Accounts window.

The Download Transactions for an period.. option for an account, for all accounts or for all accounts at a bank will ask the user to enter the period for which transactions are desired, and the program will automatically download transactions for an account or all accounts based on the option selected.
The Download Latest Transactions... option for an account for all accounts or for all accounts at a bank will automatically download transactions for an account or for all accounts based on the selected option.
The Download account statement from the ... period for an account for all accounts or for all accounts at a bank will ask the user to enter the period for which the account statement is due, and the program will automatically download the account statement for an account or for all accounts according to the selected option.
The option Download account statement for the previous day for an account for all accounts or for all accounts at a bank will automatically download the previous day's account statement for an account or for all accounts based on the selected option. download account statements for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
The option Download the previous week's account statement for all accounts or for all accounts at a bank will automatically download the previous week's account statement for an account or for all accounts based on the selected option.
The Download Account statement option for the previous month for an account for all accounts or for all accounts at a bank will automatically download the account statement for the previous month for an account or for all accounts based on the selected option.
The Tools \ Blocks actions on ... has the effect of blocking the actions the Bancomatic automatically does on the selected account and disconnecting from online banking for that bank so that the user can make payments in the online banking program from another browser .
IMPORTANT!!! While the bank is blocked, Bancomatic does not perform any operations on that bank, unlocking is done by selecting Tools \ Unblock actions on ...

The Tools \ File Archiving option has the effect of archiving your account statements and transactions from previous months in the folder that is configured in the Archiving Folder option in the Account Folders tab. You can search for an account statement in the archive later in the Bank Accounts window at the bottom right.


ERP commanded mode

Bancomatic offers an automated integration mode so that transactions can be automatically imported into accounting applications.
Communication between Bancomatic and accounting applications is made through the selected API folder in the General Settings window as explained in Section 3. Configuring the Application
The detail of the integration process is described in Section 5. Technical Specifications.
Turning on / off work order accounting applications can be done by accessing the Tools / Start Service API or Stop Service API

5.Technical specifications

This chapter contains the structure of CSV file created by Bancomatic common to all banks for easy import into accounting applications, Technical Specifications for Integration with Accounting Applications and File Description with Latest Transactions


CSV Bancomatic file structure

Fisierul este in foramt csv , valorile din toate campurile sunt incadrate de ghilimele, iar separatorul de campuri este caracterul punct si virgula.

Structura fișierului CSV Bancomatic comun tuturor băncilor este următoarea:

Cont - reprezintă contul bancar căruia îi aparțin tranzacțiile din fișier

Sold_final - conține pe ultima linie din fișier soldul disponibil la momentul la care au                         fost descărcate tranzacțiile disponibile în formatul (##,###.## separator                         de zecimale punctul și separator de mii virgula)

Data_tranzactie - reprezintă data operațiunii bancare în format ""

Tip_operatiune - poate fi completat cu Incasare sau Plata în funcție de tipul                                 operațiunii

Partener  - conține numele partenerului dacă acesta apare în detaliile operațiunii                         bancare și a putut fi extras sau dacă este pus la dispoziție de programul de                         online banking

CUI_partener - conține codul fiscal al  partenerului dacă acesta apare în detaliile                                 operațiunii bancare și a putut fi extras sau dacă este pus la dispoziție                                 de programul de online banking

Suma -  conține valoarea tranzacției în formatul (##,###.## separator de zecimale                 punctul și separator de mii virgula)

Nr_op - conține numărul ordinului de plată dacă acesta apare în detaliile operațiunii                 bancare și a putut fi extras sau dacă este pus la dispoziție de programul de                 online banking

Voucher - contine referinta interna a bancii daca aceasta apare in detaliile operatiunii                     bancare si a putut fi extras sau daca este pusa la dispozitie de programul de                     online banking

Referinta - conține referința internă a băncii dacă aceasta apare în detaliile operațiunii                         bancare și a putut fi extras sau dacă este pusă la dispoziție de programul                         de online banking

Detalii - reprezintă o sintetizare a detaliilor operațiunii bancare

Detalii_banca - reprezintă detaliile operațiunii bancare așa cum sunt puse la dispoziție de                         către bancă.


Specificațiile tehnice pentru integrarea cu aplicațiile de contabilitate

La pornirea serviciului API de la opțiunea Instrumente/ Start serviciu API, Bancomatic începe monitorizarea folderului completat la Folder API din Setari generale urmărind apariția unor fisiere text goale cu următoarele formate de denumire:
(ex: RO40OTPV0000DEMO0000RO01_ultimele.txt) această denumire de fișier va comanda aplicației Bancomatic descărcarea ultimelor tranzacții pentru contul completat dacă acesta există în baza sa de date
(ex: RO40OTPV0000DEMO0000RO01_01102018_31102018.txt) această denumire de fișier va comanda aplicației Bancomatic descărcarea tranzacțiilor din perioada completată pentru contul completat dacă acesta există în baza sa de date.
Răspunsul aplicației Bancomatic va fi scris în fișierul respectiv, astfel:
- dacă descărcarea tranzacțiilor s-a încheiat cu succes în fișier vor fi scrise tranzacțiile în formatul CSV Bancomatic.
-dacă nu există tranzacții noi în fișier va fi scris "NU EXISTA TRANZACTII NOI"
- dacă a intervenit o eroare la descărcarea tranzacțiilor în fișier va fi scris "EROARE:" urmat de o descriere a erorii.
Vă recomandăm ca după primirea răspunsului să stergeți fișierele de comandă din folderul respectiv.
Dacă fișierul de comanda este gol atunci Bancomatic îl va interpreta și va executa comanda respectivă, dacă fișierul de comanda nu este gol Bancomatic va ignora acel fișier.
O altă modalitate de integrare cu aplicațiile de contabilitate ce pun la dispoziție un serviciu web pentru încărcarea tranzacțiilor este să completați adresa web a serviciului în fereastra Conturi bancare  în câmpul URL API tranzactii.
Tranzacțiile vor fi transmise acestui serviciu web automat la descărcarea lor cu următorii parametri :api_token (pus la dispoziție de utilizator), email (conține email user Bancomatic), password (conține parola criptata a userului Bancomatic), cif (conține codul fiscal al partenerului așa cum apare în tranzacție), tip_operatiune ( este completat cu Încasare sau Plată în funcție de tipul operațiunii), cont (reprezintă contul căruia îi aparține tranzacția), den_firma (conține numele partenerului așa cum apare în tranzacție), suma (conține valoarea tranzacției în format ##,###.## punct ca separator de zecimale și virgula ca separator de mii), expl (conține detaliile tranzacției), data_doc (conține data tranzacției în formatul "")


Descrierea fișierelor cu ultimele tranzacții

Fișierele cu ultimele tranzacții au următoarea structură de denumire:
- Tranzactii_ddmmyyyy.csv
sunt fișierele martor ce contin toate tranzacțiile din ziua respectivă (ex: 31.10.2018) în care Bancomatic caută dacă tranzacțiile descărcate nu există deja și scrie tranzacțiile noi.
- Tranzactii_ddmmyyy_hhmmss_nr.csv
(ex: "Tranzactii_31102018_135306_15.csv")
sunt fișiere ce conțin utlimele tranzacții descărcate în data de la ora hh:mm:ss (ex: in data de 31.10.2018 la ora 13:53:06)  nr reprezintă numărul de tranzacții noi conținut de fișier (ex:15 tranzacții noi).
Fișierele cu ultimele tranzacții se creează la fiecare verificare chiar dacă nu sunt tranzacții noi.